How will do our group tasks in online learning efficiently and getting a high rate grade? Designing an Effective task work methodology in Online Courses

Omar Shaaban
3 min readJan 23, 2021


In the times and conditions of online study, all courses have group work tasks or exercises, the lecturers ask for precision and get-to the point clearly.
And to ensure productivity and efficiency, students can follow the below methodology to organize their group work and get into the target easier and efficiently.

created by heflo

First, BEFORE MEETING, a volunteer from the group should write a shortlist and send it/ or uploaded it to the place of the group meeting, it contains:
1- Where will meet. send them the online group link if he created it.
2- What expected from this group work, get inspired from the lecturer information and clarification the objective of the group work and other details he /she provided.
3- Members names; tag them or refereeing to them links or emails
4- first suggested meeting date and time

Secondly, In the first meeting: SETTING SIMPLE ROAD MAP

example created by MS Word

1- Decide who will take care of the documentation ( who will write the notes and summarize what agreed )

2- Brainstorming session: this is the most important step in projecting the assignment Group members must agree to set a simple road map toward achieving the group work, it can be written such a mind map or table, the road map should clarify all Tasks components one by one in details starting with sitting cover page and design of slides or paper, ending with putting all slides or papers together and editing the project in one shape and format, the road map contains :
a. the task component and the task owner
b. the purpose of the task and how well visualized ( get inspired from the lecturer information about how he will grade the project, the rating criteria )
c. decide which tasks need to be done by a group brainstorming and which need to be done individually.
d. other notes such as sources or where will send the completed tasks paper or slides or where members can add their complete work ( such as an online presentation file or a shared document or team group )

3- after completing the road map, the team should agree about:
a. tasks submitting dates
b. the next meeting date and time.

4- Documentation: write down a summary about what has been agreed about then sharing with all.

Finally, in the coordination meeting or final meeting.
1- The editing task owner should lead the meeting because he/she supposed to have all tasks slides or papers as agreed
2- He or she should present his final demo or project for all team and get their notes or ask for modifying
3- Final discussion and notes about the tasks
4- Documentation again: write down what has been agreed about in this meeting and sharing with all again.



Omar Shaaban

I am interested in the Future, Politics, and global business development. hold Digital Business Innovation and Transformation Master degree from Austria